Harrison Family Website
Hello Peeps, I have built ( am building ) this website so that our family and its history can be recorded for posterity. I have built a family tree on Ancestry and am hoping to find some software that will allow me to put it on here. If this works you can see it HERE During my research I discovered the Uncle Albert, Mums brother was born in Ramsgate, I know Nan had two sisters one of whom lived in Ramsgate, Aunty Kate and I remember Nan bringing me down here to stay with her. Some photos HERE. She also had another sister Kitty who was married to a soldier and I went to stay with her on Salisbury Plain where they were barracked. I also think that Auntie Aileen was Nans sister as I can find no record of Nan giving birth to her but she did have a sister called Aileen Jessie Driver, Nans maiden name. Also are pictures of all of us through the ages plus some really old pictures from Mum and Nans albums. I am also going to add an upload page so you can all add some favourites of your own, It will be moderated to stop inappropriate uploads from web nutters.